Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Banana Ice Cream + Watermelon Popsicles = SUMMER! :)

Yes, I know I'm late. *cowers in fear* I really need to be more punctual.
Anyways, school is finally over!!!! I am so ridiculously excited for summer. So, as a treat, I'm going to be sharing to recipes for you guys that are sweet and good for you. Also, stay tuned for my June favorites coming up soon!!!

Banana Ice Cream

This recipe is so easy and delicious, you going to love it.

1. Peel a banana.
2. Mash it with a spoon in a small dish.
3. Place it in the freezer for at least one hour, depending on how hard you want it.
NOTE: Remember to take your spoon out before freezing. Also, if you want it to be a bit softer, add a tiny bit of skim milk to the banana mash and mix it well.
4. Take out, and enjoy!

Just to remind you how amazing bananas are...

Watermelon Popsicles
I. Love. Watermelon. It is so flipping good!

2 cups of diced watermelon (with the seeds removed
1 cup of frozen berries
1 packet of Truvia/Stevia or 2 tablespoons of sugar

Puree all ingredients together in a blender, then pour into popsicle molds and freeze. Take out after 2-3 hours and enjoy!

I hope you guys like them!


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