Wednesday, March 5, 2014

January Faves

Hey Lovelies,

So this month I've had a ton of favorites. Like, so many it's an obsession. :)


Fishtail Braids

I have to admit to you lovelies that I'm not the girl who curls her hair each day. I usually just stick it in a ponytail and skedaddle out the door. (Or some days, it's BEANIE time!) Also, I have super thick hair and it takes forever to do things to. Way too much effort I'm the wee hours of the morning! I on,y recently learned how to do a fishtail, and these are some of the dos and don'ts I learned.
DO: Take 2 cm sections. The smaller the better, but just remember, the smaller you make them, the more intricate it looks, but also the more time it takes.
DON'T: Get impatient! I know this is a hard one, but try to hang in there until you're done. I find that listening to music helps me not get bored. Also, imagining how amazing my arms will look from braiding so much during summer tank top season! (Boys go to the gym, girls have high-cardio braiding sessions 😜)
DO: Practice. The more you do it, the better you'll get. Also, messy fishtails are totally in as well! If your braid didn't turn out perfect, just wear some confidence, and everyone will think you made a little messy on purpose. (I love it when guys do that. Swoon.)


I seriously love these things. It's an addiction. They're perfect for those bad hair/lazy days when you just want to stick it up in a pony and forget about it. We've all been there! I would recommend putting it in a simple braid and then wearing a beanie on top. Or, for a dressy/casual look, you can even fishtail your hair and then put a beanie on top! Perfect for those cozy November/December days.
TIP: I usually get mine from PacSun (Neff beanies), but any place works!


So my lips get super chapped in the winter, and I'm perpetually searching for a perfect lip product. This is prob the best one I've ever used. I adore my honeydew melon scented one, but they come in tons of yummy favors! I also love the summer fruit. I mean, who doesn't like smelling like summer in this blah winter we've been having?
Photo Credit:



I love the little cookies. Like seriously. They come in many amazing flavors, and I feel like I just understood the word heavenly while eating them. No joke. If you don't know them, these summery french delicacies are melt-in-the-mouth desserts that want to make you eat the whole platter.
Photo Credit:


So I've been searching for a long time for the perfect energy bar to keep me going throughout the day. Plus, I'm engaged in sports, so before a game, I'll just stick these in my bag and I'm good to go!

Welch's Fruit Snacks

I am not too little for this. I LOVE LOVE LOVE these! They're delicious. I'm super picky about eating them. I spread them all out and eat my faves, the strawberries last. Comment on your fave!

Almond Butter

So I'm not a health freak, but I do love eating foods that are not only tasty, but good for my body. So because I really need something that lasts me throughout the day, I found that almond butter on toast with a smudge of jam (gotta treat yourself, right?)  is the perfect thing! I encourage you all to try almond instead of peanut butter. Comment if you do! I think you will love it!


This January, I have been loving...
Counting Stars, by OneRepublic
Best Day of My Life by American Authors
Love Don't Die by The Fray
Diana by One Direction
Team by Lorde
Happy by Pharell
Let It Go by Idina Menzel from Frozen (I am not too old for Disney movies. I hope. )
Say Something covered by Alex and Sierra from the X Factor (I love them!)
Marry Me by Jason Derulo
Talk Dirty to Me by Jason Derulo (Hate the message, but I just couldn't help it! It's catchy!)
All Too Well by Taylor Swift
Enchanted by Taylor Swift

As always, comment on what you want me to post about next and I will try to do that! I love you guys.

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