Wednesday, July 2, 2014

June Favorites!

So this is long overdue, but here they are! The stuff I've been loving in the wonderful month of June!


1. Fig Bars

I love these fig bars. They taste almost exactly like fig newtons. They are amazing! Plus, they follow the bikini plan!

2. Starbucks Refreshers
These drinks are amazing. They are a great alternative to soda, with only 90 calories. However, they are rather high in sugar, with about 20 grams, so be careful. Also, they have a LOT of caffeine. And I do mean a lot! I drank my first with dinner one night, and I don't think I had fallen asleep until about 1! But they taste amazing! I seriously would have them all the time, if I wasn't afraid of going into a caffeine coma. (Is that possible?)


1. Suave Hairspray
I don't enjoy putting on hairspray, because usually my hair can hold it's position for a while without it. But I decided to try one, and I could not be happier. This hairspray smells amazing, and it washes out easily. It is amazing, and it doesn't make you hair stiff, unlike others.

TV Shows:

1. The Middle

2. The Big Bang Theory

3. Teen Wolf


Trumpets by Jason Derulo
Problem by Ariana Grande
Fancy by Iggy Azalea
Boom Clap by Charlie XCX
Rude by MAGIC!
American Dream by MKTO
All of Me by John Legend


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