Sunday, July 6, 2014

My Fitness Routine + Best Store-Bought Snacks

Hey you guys!

I know that you guys have been wanting more fitness stuff from me, so here it is! I hope we're all continuing that happy healthy lifestyle and keeping in mind our body goals.
So as a reward for completing this workout, I have some snacks on the bottom, for the days when you just can't bear mixing a smoothie or cooking something healthy. I got you!

Battle the Bulge Monday:
(20 seconds of rest in between)
30 regular curl-ups
1 minute plank
20 bicycle curl-ups
1 minute side plank
20 regular curl-ups
1 minute side plank
Repeat three times

Amazing Arms Tuesday:
(20 seconds of rest in between)
50 push-ups
1 side plank
50 curls with weight of choice on right arm
1 side plank on left arm
50 curls with weight of choice on left arm
1 side plank on right arm
Repeat twice

Rest Wednesday:

Cardio Thursday:
Run/Walk on either Treadmill or Outside for at least 40 minutes to an hour
NOTE: I am not a good runner, so I try to run for one song, then walk to the next and alternate like that for my run. Comment down below if you want my workout music!

Lean Legs Friday:
50 lunges in place, rotating legs each time
1 minute wall sit
30 regular squats
45 second wall sit
30 ballet squats (get into a plie and go up and down regularly)
1 minute pulse squats (get into a squat position and go down more in short bursts)

Yoga Saturday or Sunday:
I know that the weekend is always hectic, so squeeze this routine in one of the two days.
I absolutely love Tone It Up. They're great!
Here's their Love Your Body Routine.

And now to the part we've been waiting for...SNACKS!!!

1. FiberOne Brownies
These are so great for when you have a sweet tooth. They are really a great substitution for brownies, too. I only recommend the fudge one though, because I tried the chocolate chip, and it was DISGUSTING!!! I hated it. I still need to try the lemon one though...

2. Stone-Ground Fig Bars
These are an amazing substitute for the much less healthier Nutri-Grain version. Everything is organic, and it's whole wheat! Which is amazing! Look at my Favorites post for a detailed description.

3. Stacy's Simply Naked Pita Chips (Nothing but Sea Salt)
I love these pita chips. They are truly a wonderful substitute for Doritos, but you still need to be careful. They are full of carbs and sodium; however, with a bowl of hummus and salsa, they aren't too bad every once in a while. :)

I hope you loved this fitness post. Let me know what you want to see next! Your comments mean the world to me.

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